Thursday, October 13, 2011

Safari Day 6 – our jeep stalled in front of a lion den!!!!

Lovely sunset on Olephant River, western border of Kruger

Yellow Bill Stork

Hippo yawning

Hippos on Olephant River

Monkeys outside my room!

Blue Wildebeests

Crested Barbette

Poppa lion and cub

Thursday, Oct 13

Animals seen today: Silver haired mondeys, Wildebeests, Kudus, Impalas, Warthog, Waterbuck Lions. Crested Barbett (bird that looks like someone threw a whole bunch of paint on it)

Today I am alone for the morning drive. Marilyn and Louis are taking a day trip into Blyde Canyon.. I would have gone but it would mean missing both the morning and afternoon drives and I did not want to do that. Besides, can anything top the grand canyon?!!

At around 5 this morning I could hear some noises outside my room, it was still a bit dark but I did look outside my window but saw nothing. It was some stomping and some deep breathing. Yikes, I was thinking about the elephant outside my window at the last lodge! It could be a kudu or an elephant or a leopard. I wasn’t going outside to check! Went back to bed but I was hearing something outside. Got ready for the morning drive and went outside to see a few monkeys jumping around the tree outside my room! I had my camera and was frantically trying to get pictures because these suckers never seem to stay still for a picture. But as I walked to the main lodge I can see that we are suddenly surrounded by at least 2 dozen monkeys. They are small, silver haired with a small black face, long tailed and so so so cute. I heard that they can be a nuisance to some lodges in the area. The sister lodge to this one has a problem with monkeys stealing food from the guests’ table if they are sitting out on the deck. Fortunately we don’t have this problem at this lodge, this was the first time I saw them here. So happy I got some great pics of them. One was just hanging out on a small tree eating the leaves, he let me get really close to him, about 2-3 feet, before running away.

Off for the morning drive. I love this time of the morning. The light is fantastic for pictures, the animals are out and finding food and you can feel the bush coming alive with activity. Rex told me that the animals like to eat the grass in the morning because the grass is more moist from the morning dew. One the day heats up the grass dries up so the animals eat their fill first thing in the morning.

We stopped by the lion den to see the baby cubs again. The whole family was there, mom, dad, 3 brothers and the 2 babies. We stopped the jeep 6 feet next to them and non was disturbed by that. Rex had turned off the engine as it was the norm if we stop to see an animal. When he turned on the engine it would start. He tried several times without luck. As it happed there was another jeep that was there before us and was able to make it was to us for a push. Rex said the battery must have been low and the jeep was at an angle so that the battery didn’t quite work. As the other jeep make it’s way towards us I was thinking that someone was going to get out to jump start the battery. Then I was thinking that the rule is that you never leave your jeep because the animals don’t attack because they think of the jeep as one big animal. If you stand up or get out of the car then you are fair game. OMG, I had a few minutes of panic. Turns out the other jeep came nose to nose with us and gave us a 1 or 2 pushes and the engine started again. While all this commotion was going on I never took my eyes off the papa lion which actually stood up when the other jeep got to us. I had my escape route all worked out in that brief moment which was hide under the seat, yes, there was just enough room for me there. Rex had a bit more meat on his body so hopefully the lion will go for him first! It was fine, the jeep started up and we were out of there.

During our tea break this morning, Rex explained that this nature reserve is the most western part of kruger and it was a private area in the past where there has been hunting. Now that it’s a nature reserve hunting is banned but it will take a little time for the animals to learn to trust it and come back. We are seeing animals but I can tell it’s not as plentiful as in Timbavati to the east.

I was also happy to learn that the snakes are not out yet. It will take a few more rain and the weather to get warmer before they come out. The common poisonous snake here is the black mamba. This snake can bite you multiple times and still deliver poison with each bite. They are extremely poisonous and you have about 30 minutes to get to the hospital before you are dead. OMG I am SO glad I came at this time before they are active. The only good thing I give up is seeing the green of the bush, the trees here are mostly bare, but WHO CARES! The landscape is still pretty to me.

Just had a nice breakfast on the deck, updated the blog and now it’s time to take a nap on the “watchtower” next to the waterhole. Hopefully I’ll be awakened by some animals coming by to drink. So happy that the mosquitos are not out yet. We eat in peace in the morning and at night. I haven’t had to apply my insect repellent. The afternoon is warm but not hot and there’s always a breeze blowing. I don’t want to leave! Only 2 more game drives before I head back to civilization….

It's been a little frustrating not having wifi or phone signal. So weird but I get incoming emails on my blackberry but I cannot send outgoing messages! I could buy wifi for 20 bucks a day so I held off until today to load all my blog entries at once. Besides, I didn't want to worry Gary by being incommunicado for multiple days.

Before lunch we had more guests arrive. This time it's mother and daughter from Michigan. The mom Barb is 68 and is beyond excited at being in S.Africa. Their first 2 nights was at the river lodge. I asked them what they have not seen and they said hippos, rhinos and leopard. I told them to put in an order with Rex and he will see to it, and so she did, and so Rex made it happen. When we found the 2 white rhinos Barb was practically hyperventilating, she was so excited. I wondered if I was like this when I first go here! She was so exciting at seeing anything that moved, it was funny. At this point I just sit back and enjoy the animals and not so worried about taking so many pictures. As if 200+ wasn't enough! Had to admit I ended up taking more pics of the hippos, I didn't think I had this particular angle of the 2 rhinos together so what the heck. We got down to Olephant River and the hippos were still where we left then! I still managed to take more pictures of them, loved the one with his mouth wide open for a yawn! I also loved the sunset on the river! Saw a Bush Baby but it was dark and I couldn't get a picture.

Marilyn and Lewis rejoined the group for dinner. We had fun joking around. Before dinner Lawrence the owner took us down to their special wine cellar and opened up a bottle of local red wine to share. The cellar was incredible. One side of the wall was a natural rock face, part of which was over 3 million years old. It's the lowest level of earth crust that can only be found in Africa and Canada. The table was made of an iron tree that was 500 years old.

I had internet for 24 hours so I brought my mac out for everyone to send emails back home. They made me send them the picture of the hippo yawning, it gave them a good laugh. They also loved my pictures so I promised to send them the link to my picture gallery where they can download whatever they wanted. Marilyn had a nice camera like mine but she just got it and is not too used to it. Barb and Jen only had the small point-and-shoot cameras. It boggles my mine when I see the tourists on our game drives with these small cameras. What were thinking? If I was going on a safari in Africa I would have invested in a good camera!

After dinner we took our drinks and hung out on the deck by the waterhole. There was a little frog that hung out on the leather couch. We were laughing at Barb taking pics of Jen trying to kiss the frog (as in prince). It was so funny, Jen said she wanted to make it her new picture on facebook.

It's been a fun day. So sad that it's my last night in the bush! One more morning game drive tomorrow and then I'm off to the airport!

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