Monday, October 10, 2011

Safari Day 2 - LIONS spotted!


Lion posing for me

Elephant saying hello

Sunday Oct 9

Animals spotted today: Elephants, giraffes, jackal, caracal, lions, kudus, steenbok, egyptian geese, eagle, rock lizard, hippos, turtles on the hippo, crocodile, impalas, zebras, waterbuck

Up at 5:30 to dress for the morning game drive. I kept waking up throughout the night thinking it was time to get up so didn't get much sleep. I looked out my glass door and there's a monkey running by my room, OK, I'm definitely in africa now! Got dressed and walked outside, I looked toward the water hole and there were a couple of giraffes drinking water, great start to the day!

It was a slow start without much activities, impalas and giraffes were scattered throughout but we were looking for the big 5. Stopped by a waterhole for our morning cup of coffee and tea and there's a hippo mostly submerged in the water. His eyes and nose was out of the water and he's absolutely still. The funniest part was that he had about7 or 8 baby turtles hanging around on his enormous back. Funnier still was a crocodile swimming around him.

Moshe got a heads up from other rangers of a lion sighting so we headed out that way. It was so cool, a group of 6 female lions and cubs. They were just hanging out in the tall grass and didn't have a care in the world. I got a great picture of a jeep literally a few feet from them. We're relatively safe as long as we remain in the jeep, the animals will see our vehicle as one big animal so they normally do not attack if you keep your distance. They tell you to never stand up while in the jeep so as to single yourself out.

Came back to a huge breakfast on the veranda and then it's time for a walk with Moshe. The big group of 8 was checking out so it's just me and the german couple that went for the walk. Before we started Moshe gave us safety rules. He loaded up the rifle and told us sternly that under no circumstances do we run if we see an animal. We must follow his directions without question. We could run into anything in the bush. We also had to walk in a single file to avoid running into a snake as it is running away from the person upfront. It was a sobering lecture and make me think twice about going but I went. It was interesting, Moshe taught us about the trees and bushes in the area, he's one knowledgeable ranger!

Another nice lunch (felt like I just ate!) and then it's time for a nap. What a life. THe place is alive with sounds and smells. So many birds in the area, and I don't recognize any of them!

Our afternoon drive was nice, we chased after an eagle for awhile and stumbled upon a 2 feet+ lizard, yuck! When we stopped for our sunset drink we can hear the sounds of a leopard in the distance. As we headed home Moshe explained that we werent pursuing the leopard because he's in an area that was on private property. Then he must have had second thoughts because he radioed the owner and got permission to go on his land. SO, we turned around and went into the direction of the leopard. By this time it was dark but the full moonlight had cast a beautiful light on the bush. At one point Moshe stopped and turned off the engine to listen for the sounds of the leopard (which sounds like a low growl). We sat in silence for at least 10 minutes but didn't hear anything. It was still nice to listen to the sounds of the night which was quite loud out here, crickets frogs, birds etc. Moshe drove further on and we stopped one more time but to no avail. Oh well, the whole process was fun anyway.

It's a smaller group for dinner tonight. I learnt that part of the job of the ranger (they have 2 on staff for the game drive) is to entertain the guests. THis means that they sit with us at mealtimes. Richard the other ranger is much more sociable. Moshe is much more quiet and shy. I think they assign a ranger to a group of guest during their time at the lodge because Moshe has been on all our drives. That's fine, I think he's great. He lives in a village an hour from here and that's where his kids live. We were surprised that he had a 15 year old daughter and 12 year old son. I swear he looked no older than 30. He seems so knowledgeable of well, everything.

Every evening I download my pics and edit them and the group really enjoys looking through them. I have to edit everyday otherwise it's an impossible task at home. I took 170 pictures on this morning's game drive (got a little excited with the lions!) but ended up with 30 good ones. WIth exception of lions, leopards and buffalos all the animals are plentiful but I take the picture anyway because sometimes I see a special pose or the lighting might be good. Anyway, cant seem to contain my excitement each time I see them.

The german couple are leaving early tomorrow so I will be the only guest for the day. They are full again the following day but it will be nice to have the rangers to myself, like a private tour!

Hope to get a good sleep tonight, I want to get up for the sunrise. So strange to take a shower by oil lamp, the lighting is not so good so what if I missed a deadly spider crawling in the shower?! But then I learnt how to turn up the oil lamp so it's nice and bright while I take a shower, duh. I leave on oil lamp burning low in the bathroom in case I need to get up for the bathroom in the middle of the night, it's not like I can flip on a switch, not sure if I can manage to light the oil lamp while half asleep!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings......

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