Sunday, November 21, 2010

Back in Germany again....

Sunday Nov 21

My flight to ddorf went smoothly enough. Got on the plane, had my dinner with a glass of mimosa, watched a movie and slept until breakfast was served an hour before we landed in London. My seat stretched out flat so I slept much more comfortably. Gotta love flying business class on british air! I love sitting on the upper deck of the 747, felt like there were only 14 of us on the whole plane.

The NH hotel is fine. Very german with its autere deco style and ikea furniture. There's a U-bahn stop just outside so the commute to work will be easy. I had just enough time to unpack, and then go out to the market to stock up on snacks and coke zero. I barely remembered that all the stores are closed on sunday. I had a nice 3 week break of no caffeine, healthy organic food, regular excercise and yoga. Gary & I went for a walk every night and hiked on the weekends. Now it's back to coffee and coke zero!

The weather is cool and crisp - in the low 40's. I bought a size large wool peacoat so I can add a few extra layers when in estonia next week. It will be in the 20's!

Doing some work today but am excited about dinner tonight. I am getting together with the 2 colleagues from my france audit - sascha and juliana. We are all meeting at sascha's apartment tonight to make an ethnic dinner. Juliana is making a kenyan main course, sascha is making a german dessert, his girlfriend is making a peruvian appetizer, vesselin (another colleague from my department) is making a bulgarian salad and I am making a vietnamese main course. 5 people from 5 different countries, so cool.

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