Sunday, October 31, 2010

This job is not as glamorous as you might think.......

I had to made a note about the man I met on the plane from Paris to Houston. As we were getting settled in our seats I saw him take out his camera and take a picture of the cabin. I was curious so I asked him why he was taking a picture. He explained that his colleagues at home thought that his traveling was all about fancy dinners and sightseeing and luxury. So he took pictures of the view from inside the taxi, pictures of long waits at the airport, pictures from inside the plane with the back of people's heads, catered lunch inside a conference room, etc. He is creating a travel log for his colleagues at home to show them the real deal. I thought it was hysterical! And not so far from the truth with my situation although I don't think it's as bad. We do have a free weekend after the 1st weekend of the audit to do some sightseeing and we do try to eat a nice dinner at night. We also have the opportunity to extend our trip to enjoy the sights after the audit but it's only with special permission. I think I will do more of that when i get to a country I've never been and when Gary has more vacation and can join me.

Despite all this I still take away the fact that I have learned more about the country and the culture based on insights from work colleagues which is more than I would get just being a tourist visiting a country for a short time.

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