Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sweet tea is a sign of importance

When we are at the plant there is a "tea guy" who brings a tray of hot tea with milk and sugar (chai). He comes around the plant 2-3 times a day or upon request. I have tried to drink it but find it too sweet. I made a comment to my Prasad who said that he finds it sweet as well. He then told me that it's possible that they made it sweeter than usual because of us. In homes sweet tea is a guessture of the importance of the guest. Sugar provides energy and they want to provide this to the guest.

Rafael and I have our own driver who takes us from the hotel to the plant and back each day. We get to the plant by 8:30 and the driver basically waits for us all day until we are ready to leave around 5:30pm. The plant manager actually encourages us to leave this time of the hour and a half drive back is done in daylight and less dangerous. He is right, there were a couple of days when we just couldn't leave in time and our drive was in the dark. There are no street lights, no road dividers, huge potholes, people walking in the streets, mopeds going on wrong side of the road, cows, oxen, goats, sheeps wandering along the road, etc. So you can have an idea how alert you have to be while driving. At night it's just harder to see all of these hazards.

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