Friday, January 7, 2011

On my way to India!!

Flying to Newark and connecting to a 14 hr flight to New Delhi. There’s a snowstorm in the eastcoast right now. Are you kidding me? I live in sunny Phoenix so why am I having to deal with all this winter crap?! Let’s hope my flight to India wont’ be delayed or worse. It’s crazy, I leave Phx noon on Friday and will not get into Delhi until 9:30pm Saturday. India is 12.5 hours ahead of Phx. It’s literally on the opposite side of the world. It will be a little more tricky coordinating skype sessions with Gary but we will make it work. Before dropping me off at the airport he actually said 3 wks will go by in a flash. Funny I think he is getting the hang of this routine. I’m glad we had a couple of weeks of quality time during xmas and new year to do quick getaways to Catalina Island and hike down the Grand Canyon. As a matter of fact the soreness in my legs are just fading now so that’s good.

I thought it would be fun to jot down my perception of India, based on movies, books, impressions from people who have been there and impressions from people who have never been there. Let’s see how far off I will be. Most people are intimidated by this country, including myself. It’s a far cry from the safe and sophisticated Europe, and it’s not the luxurious setting of the Caribbean or Hawaii.

My expectations of India…..
Dirty, crowed, dirty, chaotic, dirty, smelly, dirty, poor, men urinating in public, crazy driving and crazy traffic, bad pollution, dead bodies being cremated by the river, cows shitting in the middle of the road, children begging in the streets (Slumdog Millionair anyone?), fear of getting sick from the low level of hygiene, cautious of what I can eat, cautious when showering (in case I accidently swallow the bad water!). Most negative of all, I won’t be able to understand their accent!! These are the main reasons why India has never been on the top of my list.

On the other hand….

My other expectations of India……
Colorful, warm and friendly people, fantastic food, the smells of fragrant spices permeating the air, cheap so I can finally go shopping, great local markets where you are expected to haggle, beautiful temples (can’t wait to see the Taj Mahal next weekend)gaining insights on the people and cultures which are vast and varied, experiencing something I have never experienced before.

I am guessing I will get some of both of the good and bad mentioned above and will chalk it up to an experience of a lifetime!

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