Tuesday, October 26, 2010

View of Eiffel Tower outside my office window-sweet!

How often will I get to say that?! The 3 of us work out of a conference room in the office here. However, I needed a private office for a conference call this afternoon so they gave me the office key to office of a senior vp who is in germany most of the time. From his office I see a perfect view of the eiffel tower which is about 5-6 miles away.

Had 3 hours of sleep last night. It would have been the worst night of the trip since we had the deadline to turn in the report this morning. Last night we worked until 9pm until the office lights went out (literally). Had to use our open laptop for some light and pack up! Sascha made a funny comment that there's a french law that does not allow people to work more than 12 hour per day. Boy these people has it good here. No wonder they are not as stressed out as us americans! That and they have way better bakeries! Buying an eclair at safeway bakery is just not the same, no way.

Weather is getting cold here! 40 in the morning and 60 during the day. perfect fall weather. We walk 10 minutes to work so it's nice. On the way to work is our favorite bakery/boulangerie. I had a croissant this morning that was different, there was apple filling in the middle and it was so good. I am still too greedy and buying too much. Sitting in front of me is another raisin croissant that I couldn't eat. will have to throw it out. You just don't eat day old baked goods here, not when you can buy it cheap right out of the oven.

This morning I gave gary instructions to book me a massage for sunday or monday as soon as I get back! Sitting at a desk for long hours is killer on your neck and back! First thing when I get back this weekend is to go on a nice hike on sunday morning with my honey.

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