Sunday, October 24, 2010

The french bakeries are just as I remembered!

Unfortunately. Going on a diet here is NOT an option.

J and I met up with Sascha our third teammate on Friday night. Our hotel in Paris is much better. The Hnkle headquarters in France is located in the Paris suburb of Boulogne. There's a subway station 50 feet from our hotel and it's a 15 minute right into the city center.

Yesterday morning (Saturday) went out with Sascha to look for breakfast while J sleeps in. French breakfast is typically a croissant and coffee so we couldn't really find a sit down restaurant for breakfast. Ended up in a bakery near the hnkl office that sascha and juliana know well. OMG, everything looked SO good. All kinds of tarts, breads, croissants. I tried this fanstastic concoction with 2 pieces of white bread, thin piece of ham in the middle and a pile of gruyere and mozarella cheese on top, all baked until it's brown on top. I told Gary I'm going to try and make this when I get home. Anyway, my eyes were bigger than my stomach and we bought so much. Aside from the ham&cheese melt, we got 2 baugettes, 3 raisin croissants and 10 little mini tarts. We ended up only eating through half of it! I was so full I had to skip lunch. Had to go out to buy some fruit so I don't get out of control. This morning when we did our trip to the bakery we did buy a lot less, mostly because we plan to come back to get a sandwich and dessert for lunch! They all look so tempting! I still bought too much since I was only able to eat one of the two mini quiches. Tomorrow I'll have to try what sascha bought which was a small crispy baguette topped a little bit of cheese and sausage. So much good food so little stomach space!

I ran out yesterday to get a massage. So disappointed that they did not have deep tissue and only relaxing massages. Better than nothing. Juliana found out about it last night and wanted to go as well. Until I told her how the french give massages, then she changed her mind. They give you a pair of skimpy disposable underwear and do not cover the rest of you. That's why they don't have male maseusse! For half of the time you lay on your back and your boobs are exposed. After the legs they rub your tummy and work around the boobs! Since I have gotten so many massages nothing shocks me anymore. I also knew the french are the opposite of modest when it comes to things like this. I just don't want to offend anyone with my fat body.

After the massage I found a mall nearby and thank goodness they had a zara store. This is a nicer version of H&M. The clothes are affordable so I don't feel too bad. Bought a few thin sweaters for the cooler weather and to wear over my button down shirts to cover the gaping openings due to my weigh gain! Bought a pair of warm pants and skirt. I tried to control myself since I have so much clothes at home! Now I'm set for the rest of the week. Wish I could wear those fashionable boots everyone wears now. So cute when they wear their skirts with tights and boots. With so much walking I can't do the heels! The shoes are not comfortable as the ones I have at home.

Working in our room all weekend since our report is due Tuesday morning to germany for the first round of review. I've got 50-60 pages to crank out. Bummed that I can't enjoy beautiful Paris right now. Before I leave on Saturday I need to run out take some pictures of eiffel tower and notre dame. I've seen these sights before but my pictures have got to be at least 15 years ago and not with my SLR. I think last time I was in Paris it was a new year trip with andy.

Gary went on a nice full moon hike last night with our friends, I hate it when I miss things like this. Have to remind myself that it will only be for a year. Actually it's almost 3 months already and 7 more to go.

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