Thursday, October 28, 2010

I had escargots for dinner last night, yum!

Yes, for the uncouthed escargots means snails. Both Sascha and I ordered escargots for appetizers. It was cooked in the shell with butter and pesto, so good. Juliana was horrified when we told her what it was! Like a good sport she did let me persuade her to try one. Not bad was her response! I thought it was better than the almost raw duck liver (fois gras) that she had for her appetizer- yuck.

When eating the escargot I thought it was just like the scene from the movie Pretty Woman. Ok, so the restaurant was one tenth in size and I didn't look like julia roberts, and my clothes were on the dumpy side, and I wasn't on a date with a billionaire. Allright, the only similarity was that the escargots were the same, in the shell and came with the same kind of tool. At one point I had one that was too hidden in the shell to get the meat out so I gave it up. Juliana wouldn't hear of it so she tried to get it out for me, I was leaning back because I totally expected her to not pay attention and the snail could go flying in my direction.

The restaurant had a beaujolais wine so ofcourse we had a glass. It's my favorite wine now, but you don't find it in too many restaurants because it has a short shelf like. It's the opposite of all other wines where it gets better with age. The average shelf life of beaujolais is 2 years and it's better when newer, the one we had last night was 2009.

I made a date with Sascha and J that I would cook a vietnamese meal for them when I come to germany next month. I left the ingredients in my office in ddorf so it's all there. Yes, I think the 3 of us bonded quite nicely.

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