Sunday, September 5, 2010

Two days in Bonn, Germany

Sunday, August 29

I had planned a short getaway to Bonn Germany. The main interest for this town next to the Rhine River is that it was the birth place of Ludwig van Beethoven. Since it was for only one night I splurged and booked us a suite at the Kameha Grand hotel in Bonn. The hotel is famous for it’s architecture and eccentric style so I thought Gary would enjoy it. I was just looking forward to sharing a bed with Gary that is bigger than twin size!

As the crow flies I would guess that Bonn is about 1 hour south of Dusseldorf. Since we aren’t crows it will take us 1 ½ hours with a connection in Benrath and Koln. Our train out of Holthausen (by our apt) was a 9am so we gave enough time to go to a bakery for a chocolate croissant and tea. Yes, Gary has become addicted to the chocolate croissants here.

When we got on the tram the ticket said Benrath Bahnhoft so ofcourse I was waiting for that stop. Even when we passed what I remembered as the station where I connected in my trip to Aachen a couple of weeks ago, I told Gary we were stopping at the last stop where it said Benrath Bahnhoff. Even as I said this I wasn’t getting a good feeling about it. As we were leaving the stop I was feeling more and more confident that it was where we were supposed to get out! The next stop was the last stop the train did say Benrath Banhoft and we got out. Well, as I looked around I saw nothing that resembled a trainstation! That’s when I knew for sure that we should have gotten off at the last stopped. It wasn’t too far away to walk back but the problem was that we only had 9 minutes to catch the connection to our next stop in Koln. Ofcourse Gary stayed calmed while I was freaking out. As we were walking very fast back the way we came I had a sudden vision that we were on the Amazing Race and just made a stupid move that could cost us the race! Even when we got to the station we couldn’t figure out how to get to the platforms! Oi vay, by that time my shin was killing me and I felt really out of shape. We did catch the train but barely.

As the train rolled into the Koln train station you can see the massive Koln cathedral on one side. As we crossed the bridge I showed Gary the metal mesh railings on either side of the bridge coved with hundreds and hundreds of colorful locks. I had learned that couples put these locks on the bridge as a symbol of love.

Our hotel was on the Rhine river, about 6 km south of Bonn city center, so we got off that Bonn-Oberkassel. From the platform we went through an underpass and were suddenly on the river. Both sides were banked by huge lawns of green grass and dotted by shady trees. We walked about 1000m meters along the river to our hotel. I was a little nervous about Gary liking it because it was different from the normal hotel styles. When we saw it he thought it looked cool with the glass structure. Actually the hotel was mostly glass. The day was crisp and cool and there was a long strip of park where people were playing games of bocce ball. We weren’t in a rush so we sat on a bench and watched the scene and the river. The Rhine is a very active river. There is always a constant flow of barges going up and down the river. On the other side we could see a similar landscape of green grass and trees with people riding their bicycles.

The inside of the Kameha was so cool. As soon as you walk in there is someone to escort you to a single bar type table to check you in. I was looking for the usual big check in desk. It was all very classy I was feeling a little out of place with my casual clothes and daypack, but only for a minute. The girl who checked us in personally escorted us to our room and showed us where everything was and how to use the very high tech gadgets. Before getting to our room we walked along a long hallway that was all in RED. In was blood red. The ceiling was red, the walls had red wallpaper, the carpet was red with subtle black Hawaiian flowers and doors to the rooms were twice the size of a normal door and ofcourse it was a shiny blood red. Ofcourse Gary whispered to me REDRUM which was a scene from the Shining. He would keep doing that whenever we were in the hallway the rest of the trip just to creep me out. Our room was so awesome! I got us a junior suit which meant we had the whole wall ceiling to floor glass window that looks out to the river. The furnishings were modern and so interesting. The backboard of our bed was black but at night you can flip a switch and a picture of the moon will light up. I LOVED the rainshower in the bathroom and mentally counted how many showers I could possibly take before we had to leave. It was a nice break from my tiny shower in DD.

I was happy and excited that the hotel had bikes to rent since this was the perfect place to ride your bikes there were miles and miles of bike path along the picturesque river. We wanted to ride into Bonn city center. When we got our bike that afternoon I was so disappointed to learn that it was too big for me! My feet did not reach the petals when I sit on the seat. I couldn’t believe it! Gary convinced me that maybe I could stand when I needed to petal. I wanted too badly to ride a bike here that I agreed. Well, it was the first and last time I will ride a bike only standing up. Since it was a flat path you don’t really get to sit still for very long. It felt very awkward only standing to petal. Aside from the fact that I looked stupid doing it. We went for maybe one mile before Gary realized that the kep of the bike lock broke off. This meant we could not go into town and leave our bike unlocked. Inside I was so glad to use this reason to turn around!

Instead of going into town we decided that it was a good day to enjoy the spa facilities at the hotel. We got into our robes and slippers and went upstairs to the 4th floor. At first try it was a little crowded. The 2 relaxations rooms were full and when I opened the room to the sauna Gary got a glimpse of two naked women and backed away. I was pretty sure it was co-ed but he definitely did not feel comfortable. We decided to go back to our room and wait a little bit. The second time we went up there there was a big difference. There was a really cool infinity pool that looked like it was flowing right into the river. The water felt cold so we decided to warm up in the sauna first. Coast was clear, there didn’t look to be anyone in there, at least no naked women. They had two hug sauna rooms so we hung out in one. It was very nice with glass sidings on two side so it felt open. At one point Gary was curious about the temp in the one next to us and went to investigate and came back shortly after. Apparently there was now a naked guy sitting in the sauna next to us. Gary was annoyed that people were so inconsiderate in a public place. I told him that this was Europe and to just go with the flow. I then asked him if the naked guy next door was cute. When Gary saw that the guy was coming out of the sauna room he told me to look away. Well, I did but wouldn’t you know I could see the guy’s reflection on the glass doors. He looked pretty lethargic probably from the heat. He walked passed us to the open showers and I could see his back side as he rinsed off. How awkward!! I decided I should get out of the sauna area before he’s done with the shower and turns around. I said bye to Gary and got out of the sauna and was walking to the exit door when I realized naked guy was walking towards me! Talk about bad timing. Ofcourse I had no choice but to see it all! I just got the hell out of there before I die of embarrassment. Gary came out a few minutes after me and said that naked guy mumbled something to him in a foreign language. He wasn’t sure if it was to apologize or something. I’m thinking he was just asking if I was impressed (which I was).

By this time I was hot enough to go into the cold pool. It was too neat to not go in. The water felt refreshing. It was comical to watch Gary go in the water. His back was to the glass doors and windows of the spa so no one could see his expression but he was cussing up a storm and looked very pained. He is not as good with extreme temperature like I am. I made him think there were people inside watching us so he couldn’t chicken out. He didn’t stay in long. One end of the pool was at the very edge of the building and you can see the river below. It was an infinity pool so from the other end it did look like you were going to fall right into the river. The relaxation room was now empty so we enjoyed a cup of hot tea,lounging in the double love seat while we dried off. It was a nice time but definitely not the spa I’m used to in Scottsdale!

The next day we took a taxi to Bonn city center. We spent some time walking around the old town and did a tour of Beethoven’s house. He was born in this house in 1770 and lived there for the first 20 years of his life. He then spent the rest of his career and life in Vienna and died there in 1827. It was interesting to learn more about him. He did his first performance at the age of 8 and went deaf by the time he was 30. The house was small but had three levels. At the end there was a room in which you could sit and enjoy some of his music. Since our taxi ride cost $15 euros Gary wanted to try to get back to our hotel via public transportation. I was doubtful and did not feel we had enough time to mess up. It could also be an expensive taxi ride if we got lost. Gary however felt confident based on the maps posted on the street. Well, I was very impressed that he did get us back to the hotel and for only a fraction of the cost.

We checked out of our hotel at 1pm but had another 2 ½ hours before our train leaves. It was perfect for a long walk on the walking paths along the river. We ate our sandwhiches from the Bonn bakery on one of the many benches along the way. After lunch we walked to the next bench clustered under a big tree where I took a nice little nap. It was so idyllic. Leaves rustling from the soft breeze blowing, the sound of river flowing downstream, the occasional horn of the river barge as it passes by. It was such a nice place to laze away the day.

We got back to DD by 5:30pm and had just enough time to get to my apt to change and then catch the 6pm tram to Altsteadt to meet Stefan and his wife for dinner. It’s funny but I have been meeting friends by the schedule of the train. Stefan looked up the times and told me to take the 6:03 train out of Holthausen and they would meet us at the restaurant at 6:15. Guido and his girlfriend were also supposed to join but he felt ill that day and decided to go home to rest instead. I was glad that Gary got to meet one of my colleague at least. His Andrea was also very nice and less shy this time. After dinner we went for a long stroll around Altstaedt. It was funny but we walked past Konigsalle where all the high end stores were and Andrea showed me where the “normal” people shopped. We walked through “Japan Town” where there were blocks of Japanese stores and restaurants. Apparently DD has a very large Japanese population. It was a nice night but getting late. Even though I took the week off I had to come in the next morning (Tues) for an important meeting with the head of our department to talk about our assignment in Asia. The plan is for me to leave after lunchtime tomorrow, back to the apt to get Gary, and then catch the 2:30pm train to Amsterdam.

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