Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's not just a cup of coffee...

How ironic that the importance of this 15-20 minute ritual finally dawns on me on my last day in the DD office.

On Friday I met a colleague for lunch. I have worked with Gunter from the Scottsdale office but we never met in person. I had told him back then that he did not sound like a typical german because he just loves to joke and laugh and is very expressive in his speech. He agreed and said his friends also accused him of being italian in actuality.

Anyway, Gunter & I had a nice lunch and conversation. He made me laugh with stories about his wife and grown kids. Actually just his way of talking made me laugh. He is very expressive and is constantly throwing his hand up in the air. One would say he talks with his whole body. I thought it was cute that he loves the fact that men and women are different. The world would be so boring if we were similar, or so he says. Gunter also gave me some valuable insights on personalities of some managers that will help me.

We were having so much fun but our lunch was done. He then suddenly said "coffee?". I didn't want our time to end so I agreed. We walked to the coffee section of the cafeteria and ofcourse I got my latte machiano. I told Gunter that I never drink coffee in the states because it upsets my stomach, but here I have no problems. But stilll, I don't drink it unless I feel like I need to wake up. He told me that coffee is an important ritual there. It's an opportunity to network and socialize. You can get far by inviting a colleague for coffee and discussing a work topic with him. It softens up the situation and it's less formal than a meeting. It's also a good chance to catch up with colleagues.

SO, suddenly I recalled the few situations where Laszlo would peek his head in my office in the morning and said "coffee?". Each time I would say no thank you because well, I didn't want any coffee and I already got my cup of tea for the morning. After about the third time he gave up asking me. THEN I remembered the few times Emrah would ask me "coffee?" after walking back from lunch as we pass the coffee room on our floor. Our floor has a little kitchenette with this gigantic coffee maker that can make weak coffee (for me), strong coffee, cappucino and expresso. There is also a little high table where you stand to drink your coffee and chat. Ofcourse I told Emrah no because well, I didn't need coffee. I thought people drink coffee because they need a caffeine boost! AND, there were other colleagues in the past few weeks that asked me that deceivingly simple question of "coffee?" Oh well, I don't think any of them took it personally. I just know that next time I am back in the DD office I will have to make sure to initiate a few invitations for coffee! Oi vay!

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