Sunday, September 5, 2010

A short comment from Gary - guest blogger :-)

I am writing this on my last night in Dusseldorf. I will try my best to sum up my impressions from the past 11 days spent in Germany and in Amsterdam.
Just to let you know, I have been to Germany on three separate occasions in the past and every time provides me with a uniquely different experience. Dusseldorf, and all the surrounding cities, are simply beautiful. I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy the style of the old European city-scape with the cobblestone streets, small cafes and historic buildings. The Rhine river played a big role in the scenery for this trip. Anh and I spent a lot of time walking along the pathways that wind along the rivers edge watching all the long barges fighting the strong current as they carried their heavy load to somewhere far away. The cool days filled with a mixture of sun and rain made for a nice change from the heat of the Phoenix summer.
Amsterdam was a pleasant surprise for me. I had missed an opportunity to go there sixteen years ago because of a train strike, but the wait was worth it. No where else have I ever seen so many people riding around on bicycles. I also hadn't been aware of just how many canals there are out there. The number of waterways must rival that of Venice but Amsterdam seems to have a better mix of roads, walking areas and canals than does Venice. Anh and I also enjoyed a big beautiful park outside our hotel called Vondelpark. This is their Central Park and I really loved it. The scenery was beautiful and the air was cool and fresh. I could have spent a whole day in the park alone. And if you are wondering, you don't need to be a pot smoker or sex fiend to enjoy Amsterdam.
Oh, by the way, it want everyone to know that the true highlight of my trip was seeing Anh and sharing these great life experiences with her. P.S. she is looking over my shoulder as I write this last paragraph.

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