Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's pea soup out there!

Hnkl parking lot
Thursday Nov 17

What a change in weather! Since we've arrived in Milan yesterday the weather has been strange. In the morning and evening the fog rolls in thick. It's like I was in san fran! As a result it feels cold and damp. At lunchtime however, it's nice and sunny. After lunch in the cantine paolo and luciano invited us for a stroll outside. Actually we walked across the street to the mall to have a cup of expresso. I have been temporary converted to a coffee drinker while here. I know for a fact that I will not be drinking the american coffee when back in the states. Besides, the whole coffee break is a social thing so it's fun. Luciano was proud to show us around the mall. It's 2 story and relatively small but I didn't want to tell them the malls in the states are at least twice as big. This concept of a shopping mall is relatively new to them.
It's crunch time with our report. I'm staying up tonight until my part is done, taking a mental break with this blog. We gave ourselves a goal to be done with the report by tomorrow night so we can all enjoy the weekend. Federico's girlfriend is flying in for the weekend so he's very motivated to be done. I'm super motivated because I plan to take a day trip to verona on saturday and check out milan on sunday. Looking forward to getting some sleep next week....

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