Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In estonia they call wednesday "little friday"!

Wed, Dec 8
Udo and I went into the office today and there was a big tray of baked goods in the shared kitchen. When we asked what the occasion was, Mart explained that it's just a little celebration for Wednesday which reminds you that the weekend is getting closer. They call it Little Friday here. In the US we call it hump day but I like little friday much better! Mart said that in town the restaurants are quiet and empty on monday & tues but fill up on wednesday and quiet again on thursday. It shows that they really do celebrate it! On the same vein it's the same thing with xmas. The xmas holiday is shared with small intimate family settings so companies will do their xmas celebrations early December and call it Little Xmas. So cute! Udo told me that in eastern germany where he grew up, they call wednesday "berg fest" which in translation means mountain party. This means that you have climbed to the top of the mountain on Wednesday and it's downhill from there! I also like this name better than hump day!

(Btw, if you have already read the last two posts, go back to see some pics I just added to them.)

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