Monday, July 18, 2011

Back in Ddorf again...

July 17, 2011

This time it's 3 weeks auditing headquarters, it's a whole different ballgame. Staying at the guesthouse that everyone hates so much. It works fine for me.

My flight got in Sunday night. I had enough time to hang up some clothes then ran to meet my friend mike for dinner in old town. We decided to go for steamed mussels so were disappointed when they weren't serving anymore that night and we had to go for the baked mussels which were covered in cheese. This dish and the schnitzel were a bit heavy for a late dinner. Afterwards we walked across the bridge to the other side of the river to check out the fair. Mike made the mistake of calling it carnival and was immediately corrected to say keramis. Carnival in this town is a serious event - basically a 3 day event of adults dressing up and drinking and partying nonstop.

This fair is a 2 week affair and stretched from one bridge to another. It's huge and full of rides, food booths, restaurants, beer garden (hey, it's germany after all), etc. I discovered that the germans are serious about their carnival rides. They are all of the barf inducing kind. It get dizzy just watching them. Most involving spinning you around and turning you over and over at top speed. Funny to hear loud american music blaring at each ride. It's nice that the whole scene is set right on the rhine river.

Our audit starts right on monday morning so no time to recover from jet lag. Oh well, I wanted to stretch out as much time home as possible.

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