Sunday, February 27, 2011

We even had our own shoe guy!

Saturday, Feb 27
OK, this was funny enough to have its own page! At Ajanta you have to take off your shoes before entering the temples. For westerners who generally have higher quality shoes, and therefore prone to theft, you can hire someone to watch your shoes. I’m not kidding! When we hired the guide at the entrance he offered the services of a person to watch our shoes for us for 150 rupees for the 2 of us which was less than 4 dollars. You can see in the picture that its this sweet old man who watches over our shoes and carries it for us as we walk from cave to cave. This place is very clean so it was not a big deal to walk in our socks. In fact there are signs forbidding littering and spitting. If the next cave is a little far he gives us our shoes to put on. That’s the craziest and funniest thing I’ve ever done but hey, 2 bucks is worth ensuring that I will have shoes to walk in for the rest of the day!

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